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The CamInstructor Academic Program for High Schools is designed as an introductory CAD/CAM Program.


Call 1-877-873-6867 ext. 705




Includes of 50 Lessons covering the following:

  • How to manually program a CNC Mill and CNC Lathe using G-Codes.
  • Using Mastercam to Create 2D, 3D and Surface Geometry and Solid Models.
  • How to use Mastercam to create 2D, 3D and Surface Toolpaths for programming a CNC Milling Machine.
  • How to use Mastercam to create Lathe Toolpaths for programming a CNC Lathe.


Features Include:

  1. License to print class sets of Step-by-Step Instructions and Tutorials.
  2. Instructional Videos for each Lesson.
  3. Student Exercises and Teacher Resource Kits.
  4. Mastercam HLE Software for student home use.
  5. G-Code Simulation Software for student home use.

Mastercam Material includes:

Mill 2D Module - 8 lessons

Mill 3D Module - 2 lessons

Lathe Module - 5 lessons

Feature Based Machining - 1 Lesson

Work Coordinate System - 1 Lesson

Over 20 video lessons on Tips and Techniques

Total Number of Lessons - 17

Total Number of Hours - 80


CNC Programming Material includes:

Mill Lessons - 10

Lathe Lessons - 9

50 Instructional Videos

Number of Lessons - 19

Number of Hours - 80