SOLIDWORKS 2024: Assemblies & Drawings
ISBN #:978-1-77851-044-1
Assemblies & Drawing ISBN# 978-1-77851-044-1
This Books includes:
- 2 Assembly lessons demonstrating basic to intermediate tools & techniques to create assemblies including:
- Inserting pre-existing components to assembly
- Mates & Advanced Mates
- Utilizing the correct relations for mating components
- Using the toolbox feature
5 Drawing lessons illustrating techniques to create part and assembly drawings including:
- Drawings with different view layouts such as Standard , Model and Projected views
- Dimensioned drawings Assembly drawing including a Bill of Materials
This book comes with:
- A username and password to get you access to the content of the books online.
- Access to online videos that demonstrate the process for completing each lessons in the book
- The ability to review exercises at the end of each lesson
- An appendix covering common tips and techniques for using SOLIDWORKS
NOTE: SOLIDWORKS Software is NOT provided with this product.
Suitable for: High School, Vocational Education, College and University